Help for Corning NY Rotarians
Forgotten Password: click here to see how to reset your password. Then go to the login and click the Forgot loginname? or Forgot password? link.
If you are entering club attendance information, there are two steps. First, your ClubRunner account needs to be enabled to allow access to the attendance module. Second, please watch this video that covers the data entry process and and then check in with Andy Rochester.
Calendar: speaker - to add a calendar event, such as a speaker, please use these helpful instructions. Questions? Let Andy know 😀
ClubRunner App - is available at your iTunes/ Android store [free]. Just download the appropriate app for your device and login with your CR credentials. That's it!! It gives you access to membership information, events, stories -- and more.
Committees - basic overview .
Corning ClubRunner: editing your profile: steps/pictures: once you are logged on, this overview will help you see how to edit your profile - personal information and photo.
Donate to Rotary Foundation: see the box at right ...
Please login to Clubrunner using the process above, then click Member Area in the upper right corner of the page, then MyClubrunner - then near the bottom of that area, My Committees. The lists of editors, photographers and how-to documents are in the area under the DOCUMENTS tab.
If you're having an event, make sure to speak with Andy; the process for adding events is changing. There are now several types of events, based on whether money is part of registration and the complexity of the registration options.
Then, when you write your STORY ARTICLE or are sending an email BLAST, you can refer to its registration and include it in your communications! Use the instructions, below [see Photographers] to load your photos into CR if you're going to write a Story [see Story Writers article below].
Then, when you write your STORY ARTICLE or are sending an email BLAST, you can refer to its registration and include it in your communications! Use the instructions, below [see Photographers] to load your photos into CR if you're going to write a Story [see Story Writers article below].
Click here for a tutorial on how to prepare your photos for uploading to photo albums in CR. Primary focus is for weekly meetings, but the steps will work well for event photography. Just title the album appropriately for the event, in the format yyyy-mm-dd Event Name
Story Writers
Click here for a tutorial movie on how to write Story articles for our weekly club meetings or for activities. ClubRunner steps are here. Basically, the meeting story starts with you making a copy of the previous story - to use the basic layout. Event stories -- just skip the copy old story step. Note: you need story credentials to post stories, see the webmaster for credentials.
There are a great many free training courses that are available on the Rotary International website. Take advantage of this valuable resource! You'll need credentials to log into the RI website -- it does NOT use your ClubRunner login. If you don't already have an account, it will prompt you and then create one.
Our club is currently requesting that members attend training, details are here.
The Corning NY Rotary Webmaster
Donate to Rotary Foundation: - login to your Rotary International account -- this is not your ClubRunner account. If you don't have an account, you'll be prompted to create one.
- then click the DONATE button and choose the area for your donation. Click HERE to see the process.
- then forward your email from RI confirming your donation to Wendy.
- that's it!!! Thank you.