125 Denison Parkway E
Corning, NY 14830 United States of America
We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month [2nd and 4th in Jan '25] at the Corning Radisson/soon to be DoubleTree. More information below. Meetings are hybrid; a zoom link is available.
Photographer: Gil Sweet [more photos] COGS: Andy Rochester Video: Andy 🎥
Welcome Guests:
Svetlana Short, guest of Gil
Maren Benjamin, our outgoing exchange student, with Wendy Winnett
Amy Ginalski, music teacher at CPPHS, accompanying Evy
Evy Sunshine, musician from CPPHS
50:50 is due soon!Les remote purchased his tickets for the drawing [he's on ZOOM]
From GRAPEVINE: Rotary New Generations Exchange Program. Grapevine link.Lots of opportunities!
Ray - had a handout listing international program opportunities to help/ or share your own ideas.
Paul Harris - Gil Sweet plus 2 member!
Unclaimed Funds - KW answers questions ... Is there money for you there? Check here [safe NYS site].
Good News:
Rick Davis - they're going to have a new neighbor, their daughter & son-in-law.
John Brown - latest info on John Brown
Gil - good news on his grandkids: 4 great stories!
John Brown - grand kids with new licenses ...
Gil - had a tremendous time reading at the school with StacyWard
Wendy Winnett - ringing the bell and more Rotarians came for the next shift!
Ray Defendorf - daughter's work as a Market Street window-dresser; beautiful holiday windows.
Svetlana - son and daughter good news
Not the Story of Christmas: Ernie read a poem called OLD COMRADS. It underlines elements of service to other. 🎥 19:36 - Not - the Night Before Christmas …
✅ Not the program - but a club nuance. Bill Boland explained his failed experiment to become KING instead of president during his Rotary Presidency.
Program: Evy Sunshine, harpist from CPPHS. 🎥 32:37 - Program
50:50 this week: Rick bought the lucky ticket and also got the 4 of hearts!! A WINNER! Andy delivered the winnings to Rick after the meeting.
Meeting adjourned
🎥 Click the timing to go to THAT section:
00:00 - Start 02:09 - Outgoing Foreign Exchange Student 02:57 - Guests 05:14 - Rotary New Generations Service Exchange Program 08:06 - International Committee Current Grants List and Solicitations for more.. 08:54 - Paul Harris 09:41 - Unclaimed Funds Report 11:43 - Good News Bucks 12:44 - Scholarship Update 19:36 - Not - the Night Before Christmas … 30:51 - KW 32:37 - Program
Sparkle Saturday, Dec 7th -- afternoon and evening. Quite a bit colder than last year -- and we had light snow, to make it more festive! Our stalwart team assembled our booth and prepared for the cold as the sun was setting. This year we had candy canes and tootsie rolls. Giving out hot drinks is tricky, but we've got a plan for Sparkle '25 ☕️. The cold didn't reduce the number of Sparkle revelers. We had lots of visitors.
We had the chance to speak with people from our community and talk about Rotary. We were at Sparkle as part of our connection to this community. And - there were lots of questions! Who can join? What activities do you in the community? What is Rotary International? Don't you work on killing the Polio virus? Can I have another candy cane? [just kidding].
So, in summary, there were a great many attendees at Sparkle. The event was expertly organized by Gaffer District and easy for setup and take-down of our booth. Only thing, we forgot [but its on the list for '25-- dog biscuits!!
The event was a success for us. We were able to meet people, let them know more about Corning Rotary and answer their questions, and spread holiday cheer with our sweets. Yumiko heroically tried to find people for all of our candy, but we still had some at the end. It found a home at the food pantry. MORE ABOUT CORNING ROTARY
Thank you to the committee members that came together on the details, and donated their items for the tent: Gaffer District planning and volunteers, Yumiko Akiba, Ernie Danforth, Mani Kutty, Deacon Ray Defendorf, Andy Rochester, Stu Sammis, and more .... Thank you!