Club Service:
Greeter: Gail Hostettler, Cory Walker
Invocation: Wendy Winnett
Invocation: Wendy Winnett
Welcome Guests:
- Svetlana Short, guest of Gil
- Maren Benjamin, our outgoing exchange student, with Wendy Winnett
- Amy Ginalski, music teacher at CPPHS, accompanying Evy
- Evy Sunshine, musician from CPPHS
- 50:50 is due soon! Les remote purchased his tickets for the drawing [he's on ZOOM]
- From GRAPEVINE: Rotary New Generations Exchange Program. Grapevine link. Lots of opportunities!
- Ray - had a handout listing international program opportunities to help/ or share your own ideas.
- Paul Harris - Gil Sweet plus 2 member!
- Unclaimed Funds - KW answers questions ... Is there money for you there? Check here [safe NYS site].
Good News:
- Rick Davis - they're going to have a new neighbor, their daughter & son-in-law.
- John Brown - latest info on John Brown
- Gil - good news on his grandkids: 4 great stories!
- John Brown - grand kids with new licenses ...
- Gil - had a tremendous time reading at the school with Stacy Ward
- Wendy Winnett - ringing the bell and more Rotarians came for the next shift!
- Ray Defendorf - daughter's work as a Market Street window-dresser; beautiful holiday windows.
- Svetlana - son and daughter good news
Not the Story of Christmas: Ernie read a poem called OLD COMRADS. It underlines elements of service to other. 🎥 19:36 - Not - the Night Before Christmas …
✅ Not the program - but a club nuance. Bill Boland explained his failed experiment to become KING instead of president during his Rotary Presidency.
50:50 this week: Rick bought the lucky ticket and also got the 4 of hearts!! A WINNER! Andy delivered the winnings to Rick after the meeting.
Meeting adjourned
🎥 Click the timing to go to THAT section:
00:00 - Start
02:09 - Outgoing Foreign Exchange Student
02:57 - Guests
05:14 - Rotary New Generations Service Exchange Program
08:06 - International Committee Current Grants List and Solicitations for more..
08:54 - Paul Harris
09:41 - Unclaimed Funds Report
11:43 - Good News Bucks
12:44 - Scholarship Update
19:36 - Not - the Night Before Christmas …
30:51 - KW
32:37 - Program
02:09 - Outgoing Foreign Exchange Student
02:57 - Guests
05:14 - Rotary New Generations Service Exchange Program
08:06 - International Committee Current Grants List and Solicitations for more..
08:54 - Paul Harris
09:41 - Unclaimed Funds Report
11:43 - Good News Bucks
12:44 - Scholarship Update
19:36 - Not - the Night Before Christmas …
30:51 - KW
32:37 - Program