Membership process
Corning Rotary Club
New Member Process
How to Propose a New Member
1). A Rotarian in good standing brings an individual to a meeting to see if they are interested in joining.
2) If the individual is interested in joining Rotary, we give them an Orientation Folder with information on Rotary. They then complete Part A of the Membership Proposal Form, which is then given to the Membership Committee Chair.
3) Once the individual attends three meetings, they are presented to the Board for review, and the Board votes whether or not to accept the nomination. The Board meets the first Wednesday of every month.
4) If the individual is approved by the Board, the individual is listed on the website for one week to ascertain if there are any objections to the person joining Rotary.
5) Once they have been on the website with no objections, they can then be inducted into the club.
How to Induct a New Member
1) Obtain a prorated dues invoice from the Club Secretary, and a New Member packet.
2) Schedule and conduct an orientation with the approved new member with a Membership Committee representative and the approved new member’s sponsor.
3) Schedule an induction date with the club President.
4) Request a badge for the new member.
5) The new member completes Part B of the Membership Proposal Form as well as the Member Directory Form and submits to the Membership Committee Chair.
6) The new member is added to the club directory.